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Brightcove News: Meetups, Player Design, and Lots of Stuff

Brightcove News is my collection of developer-focused links about Brightcove. I post about once a month, and you can see old posts here.

This post is long overdue, but I've been a little sleep-deprived and focused elsewhere lately. So here's a supersized set of links.

Meetup with Us: The London Brightcove Developer Group has taken off, and the Boston Brightcove Developer Group is close behind. I put together the Boston group, so I hope you'll go to the meetup page to join!

David Mendels: I'm very excited that Brightcove has brought David Mendels on board as President/COO. I knew him from his time jumpstarting the Flex team, and I can see him having the same kind of influence at Brightcove.

Lots of stuff: I can't think of a concise way to describe the many features that have been released so here's a rundown of a lot of stuff: chromeless player templates, built-in player sharing to Twitter and Facebook, player performance enchancements, cue point editing with video preview, additional VAST support, and a lot more that you can find in the links above.

BEML editing: Todd Yard of the Brightcove player team has created an awesome application for the visual design of players. The code complete is also very helpful.

Creating Brightcove plugins: I enjoyed this article on creating Brightcove plugins. Don't get thrown off by the message at the top of the page- it reads just fine in English.

Blogs you can find: The many blogs on brightcove.com have been rearranged so that you can see them in one place. Lots of excellent reading there that you can now grab in one RSS feed or follow on twitter.

Media SDKs: Two new media SDKs have been created, one for for .NET and one for ColdFusion. I've lost track of the number, but I'd guess there's a media SDK for about 10 languages now.

More devices every day: Brightcove can now be found on Yahoo Connected TV Widgets.