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Ten Reasons to Use Flash

I was handed very odd timing for a brown-bag presentation last week. The talk was scheduled months ago for an overview on new Flex and Flash tools, but as the time approached the iPad and HTML5 "discussions" in the blog world kept getting louder. I wanted to give a Flash developer's perspective on things, and so I created the presentation below.

As a hopefully-obvious cavaet, these are just my reasons and have nothing to do with Brightcove. We have plenty of excellent people focused on the JavaScript side as well here, and I'd read Jeremy Allaire's post on TechCrunch if you're looking for a more Brightcove-centric response.

Comments (2)

Brian: Those are some great points! Tour de Flex also provides a great list of Flex components:


Thanks James. I updated the slides to include a link to Tour de Flex (and fix some formatting issues). I've been meaning to submit some Brightcove APIs to Tour de Flex for a long time, and this is a good reminder to put this on my todo list.