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Buzzword, FlexBox, and Transformers

Too much work and too little blogging. Here's a catch-all post to catch up on Flex things.

I've seen Buzzword, and... wow. Congrats to the Flex team there. I'm most impressed by the details, the way that little things just work.

The news is old, but I'll still point out that FlexBox has been updated. It's an excellent way to find new Flex components.

And related to FlexBox, since the IFrame component is on there, is that I've finally responded to the last month of comments on Embedding HTML.

And Transformers. What does Transformers have to do with Flex? I could make up a metaphor here about the versatility of Flex. Or make an awful joke about Flash being more than meets the eye. But really, I just wanted to be a geek and embed this:

The movie looks a lot like all the rest of the Hollywood action films in recent years, but it's Transformers. The ten year-old kid in me is very excited.

Lastly, as a non-Flex update, there was an update to brightcove.com last night, but I'll wait to post more on this, as I can't yet talk about any video mixing part of this update.