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Brightcove 3 Now Available

When I had posted the screenshots of Brightcove's new Flex applications two days ago, I had forgotten what was happening today. Brightcove 3 is now available, and if you talk to our friendly sales department, you can now see the new Flex and AS applications we've been creating. And I can now talk about it all.

Some of the things I'm excited about in Brightcove 3:

  • BEML (Brightcove Experience Markup Language), an XML markup language for creating players. It has bindings, hbox, label, and a bunch of other things that will be familiar to Flex developers, and it'll allow everyone to create new players quickly.
  • Fast and light AS3 video players. Part of the lightness is accomplished by a lot of SWF loading to only load in what is needed.
  • Well-designed Flex 3 applications for managing videos, players, advertising, reports, etc. These are applications that we've been working on for more than a year and are already being used by large publishers to manage thousands of videos.
  • More media, player, and advertising APIs. You can access all of this in AS3 or Javascript, accessing the videos or controlling your videos in too many ways to mention here.

There's a lot more to talk about in the items above, but I'll have to leave that for another day. Some helpful links for learning more about Brightcove 3: