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The Future of Flash Video

Adobe just announced support for H.264 in the Flash Player.

What does this mean? For a short primer on H.264, see Apple's page on the subject. For the technical overview, check out Tinic's extremely detailed post. Now I'm not going to be able to sleep, as it's time to go read Tinic's post closely and salivate over the details.

Comments (2)


The hilarious part for me is that Comcast has already reduced its video quality to the point where a simple switch to h.264 without much of a bit rate jump will mean companies like Brightcove are serving video that looks better than regular TV.

That would be pretty amusing. Here's another link, as Aral's post has a lot of details: http://aralbalkan.com/1012 And a post from Brightcove: http://blog.brightcove.com/blog/2007/08/brightcove-to-s.html